Sunday, July 29, 2007

We are trying to post some of the pictures we have taken in SA.

We are still learning. We are falling in love with the people of SA and having a wonderful time. It is still winter, and this week we went through a windstorm unlike any other we have ever experienced. We had some with Dan and Cindy in Idaho, this was like that but lasted for two days with winds of 60+ miles per. It did take part of the roof off from our EZ church that I am trying to post a picture of. So far in the time we have been here it is dry, except one day of rain that was kind of unusual. Our work is going well and we are enjoying it. We have visited so many members of the branch and they are all so accepting. Again, they are both bright and beautiful. We will keep on working on pictures, but for now that is all. Dave and Marilyn

Monday, July 23, 2007

South Africa, what a place

Well, we find ourselves in South Africa and although so very different, it is a good place to be and we are loving it and the people. We find them to be kind and loving and the members of the church here are fantastic. We find that the ways are different, especially if you want to get something and you are not a citizen or when you buy things it has to be done their way or not at all. Most of the stores are owned by Indian people, and are friendly. The townships all black, mostly Zulu) are filled with people who live in very small houses but they couldn't be cleaner. We have been in many of them and have found ourselves very welcome. Sometimes we think that in the states we are a little too accostomed to things that really don't add to our happiness, because many here have nothing but are very happy. It is dry and brown here, and we are hoping that when summer comes it will be as green and beautiful as people tell us it is.