Monday, February 9, 2009

We finally got around to posting a few of our latest adventures and scenes. On the post for the bird, you are required to guess which of the three pictures contains the bird. Also because we posted too many pictures, go back to older posts to see the rest of what overwhelmed this post. We are enjoying our mission, we hope to have done much good, and to do well in the future, but the future is getting kind of short as we are down to just over two months. We even have dreams of home and adventures that we could only have with our family and toys. Our days are always made brighter by the posts we get on our various family blog spots, as well as reading your e-mails and feeling more a part of you and your families. Thank you for all you have done for us while we have been trying to serve these wonderful people and help improve the quality of their lives. Our plans when the mission is over is to visit Cape Town, Mossel Bay, then London and on to Atlanta for a couple of weeks. Then its home and sitting around getting bored because we don't have a dozen things we could be doing. Life is good.

Adventures in Africa

An African Sunset

Didima Rock Museum

Grandpa resting on a stump

Grandma breaking mission rules

Just another African bird

African adventures, Nambiti

More adventures in Africa