Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This is the employment seminar in Ezakheni, we had 18 participants.
Yesterday we had our humility eyes opened. We took a day trip to Lesotho, and we took some food in which included six apples. The apples turned out to be soft, so after taking two bites I threw mine out the window. Two little girls aged about seven saw it from up the hill and started running toward the car. We went past and noticed that they were still running down the road. They were trying to get the apple I had tossed out the window. We then stopped and gave the remaining three and 7/8 apples to four children walking from school. They were so excited to get an apple that they fought over them. We need to think about that every time we sit down for the meal we take for granted. We are doing fine in Africa and have just finished with the employment missionaries a 16 hour course on how to obtain employment.

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